Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So it's been a while. I am having a hard time thinking about things to write about, but here we go! So lately I have been reminiscing ALOT about a couple of the bestest friends I have ever had. Sometimes when you move around it is really hard to stay in touch with like you would really want to. Here are a couple of the best girls I know. This is my Kristen!
And this is my Jessica, I just recently talked with my girls for the first time in like six months (which is way to long)! Well... my Jess is having a baby!!! After trying for so long and thinking they wouldn't get the chance at being parents God answered their prayers! I sure wish I was there to be excited with her through all of this because it would definitly be a blast!
On top of that Kristens' birthday is in 10 days. I haven't seen her in two years now. We both moved to different states and we haven't been able to make it home at the same time!
Great friends are hard to come by, so take in all of the moments and make a memory.